Monday, October 13, 2008

FallTacular Signage

QLaw Falltacular Committee,

Click each image to view at 850 pixels wide. These are reduced for quick proofing. If you need a higher-res proof, just let me know.

These are designed to be 17" x 11," although it might be a good idea to print the restroom signs on 11" x 8.5" so that they aren't overwhelming. I'll leave that up to you.

Feel free to comment here or via the usual reply-all string. ;-)


Sponsor Poster


Here's a teensy tinsy proofing copy of the poster. Click on the image to view at 850 pixels wide.

Maggie is reviewing first for gross omissions/errors. Once we finalize this list, I will also size for tri-folds (one side Presenting, one side Advocates, one side Supporters/In-Kind).

Again, feel free to comment here or via reply-all thread.

Thanks for proofing!
